I cookie di Lead Champion

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Basic Lead Champion works without having to use cookies. But this is called a “cookieless” solution. Where Lead Champion cookies are accepted, the solution offers some additional features, which otherwise cannot be activated in the “cookieless” version.

In other words, we can say that most of the information of the Lead Champion solution is accessible even if users accept only the technical cookies necessary for your site. However, if the visitor through your cookie-banner also accepts the type of cookies in which those of Lead Champion are placed, then the potential of the solution increases further, since some additional features are “enabled”.

How is the script activated?

Lead Champion is a service that allows, through IP tracking, to identify the visitor’s company based on the match of the visiting IP with the public registration data of company internet addresses taken from various public and private sources.
The implementation flow begins with the insertion of a very short javascript code in the pages of the customer’s site, which allows the download from the Lead Champion CDNs of a javascript source that sets the initial values of visit recognition. This part is the cookieless script, which you can see on this page, in the paragraph “Manual solution”.

We have implemented a second part of the script that allows you to interact with some of the most popular cookie manager tools (iubenda, cookiebot): the second part of the script also recognizes if through these tools the user has confirmed the use of marketing cookies, and in this case also enables the cookies that we describe at the bottom of this page (in any case the script can be adapted to interface with other cookie managers).

The creation of the identifiers is followed by a tracking call for the validation and recognition of the type of license associated with the customer’s site and based on this additional javascript code is downloaded for the management of custom events and remarketing in the case of discover license.

If the license is a booster type, the code is enriched with features that can manage the forms shown in overlay.
In cases where the license also includes integration with external systems (CRM, mail tracking, notification systems, webhooks, etc.), the tracking of the visit is also reported to the integration management subsystem that is responsible for sending the data of the visiting company and the data of the visit (duration, list of page views).

How do Lead Champion cookies work?

Lead Champion’s javascript library, run on customer website pages, uses 4 cookies which are as follows:

__lcST: it is a session time to precisely monitor the time spent on the page
__lcVR: it is a visitor identifier to recognize if it is a new or returning visitor
__lcVT: is a visitor identifier to recognize the pages browsed and can aggregate them in the same visit
__lcIH: Keeps the visitor’s browsing history

The features that are therefore activated when a user confirms cookies are basically:

tracking return visitors
the visitor’s association with the first network from which they connected (eg: a visitor accesses your site from their company network; then brings home the computer or phone from which they connected, and reconnects from home; with cookies activated the visit is re-associated with the initial company)
the possibility of remarketing (population of lists for remarketing digital advertising on the GoogleADS and FacebookADS advertising networks)

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