
discover which visitors are showing interest in your business,
even if any form has been filled

Did you know that more than 95% of the visitors leave websites without filling any contact form?

Among those visitors you may find your new customers.

Lead Champion discover is a lead generation solution which allows you to get that leads even if no form has been submitted*

Furthermore, in order to increase the chances to turn leads into customers you get different scores showing the best ones.

Are you ready to change your lead generation?

New potential customers

Turn your anonymous visitors into new leads

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Lead Champion discover allows you to find out which companies are visiting your website, even if the visitor doesn’t fill any form

Leads really interested

Make your approaches more effective focusing only on really interested leads

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Thanks to the behavioral score you can focus on the leads that showed the highest level of interest while surfing your website (returning visits, low bounce rate, pricing page atc.)

Behavior analysis

See which pages are most visited and easily discover the actual interest of any leads

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Analyzing the navigation path of each leads you can create a relevant and valuable communication and improve the chances to close a new deal

Perfect leads for your business

Discover quickly which leads are more interesting and very close to your ideal customer

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You can shape your ideal customer and thanks to the firmographic score immediately focus on the most important leads

Website optimization

Analyze which sources are bringing to your website the best leads for your business

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Analyzing the sources you will be able to adjust your advertising efforts in order to reduce the waste and maximize the most effective channels

Our integrations

Ready to change

your lead generation strategy?